Results for 'Peter K. Fallon'

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  1.  16
    The Metaphysics of Media: Toward an End of Postmodern Cynicism and the Construction of a Virtuous Reality.Peter K. Fallon - 2009 - University of Scranton Press.
    In _The Metaphysics of Media_, award-winning media critic Peter K. Fallon tackles the complicated question of how a succession of dominant forms of media have supported—and even to some extent created—different conceptions of reality. To do so, he starts with the basics: a critical discussion of the very idea of objective reality and the various postmodern responses that have tended to dominate recent philosophical approaches to the subject. From there, he embarks on a survey of the evolution of (...)
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  2. Ignorance: A Case for Scepticism.Peter K. Unger - 1975 - Oxford [Eng.]: Oxford University Press.
    In these challenging pages, Unger argues for the extreme skeptical view that, not only can nothing ever be known, but no one can ever have any reason at all for anything. A consequence of this is that we cannot ever have any emotions about anything: no one can ever be happy or sad about anything. Finally, in this reduction to absurdity of virtually all our supposed thought, he argues that no one can ever believe, or even say, that anything is (...)
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    Art and morality.Peter K. Machamer & George W. Roberts - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):515-519.
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    Texts as organizational echoes.Peter K. Manning - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (2-3):287 - 302.
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    My future, right or wrong.Peter K. McInerney - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 44 (2):235 - 245.
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  6. Living high and letting die: our illusion of innocence.Peter K. Unger - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    By contributing a few hundred dollars to a charity like UNICEF, a prosperous person can ensure that fewer poor children die, and that more will live reasonably long, worthwhile lives. Even when knowing this, however, most people send nothing, and almost all of the rest send little. What is the moral status of this behavior? To such common cases of letting die, our untutored response is that, while it is not very good, neither is the conduct wrong. What is the (...)
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    Dispositional Fear and Political Attitudes.Peter K. Hatemi & Rose McDermott - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (4):387-405.
    Previous work proposes that dispositional fear exists predominantly among political conservatives, generating the appearance that fears align strictly along party lines. This view obscures evolutionary dynamics because fear evolved to protect against myriad threats, not merely those in the political realm. We suggest prior work in this area has been biased by selection on the dependent variable, resulting from an examination of exclusively politically oriented fears that privilege conservative values. Because the adaptation regulating fear should be based upon both universal (...)
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  8. Identity, Consciousness, and Value.Peter K. Unger - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The topic of personal identity has prompted some of the liveliest and most interesting debates in recent philosophy. In a fascinating new contribution to the discussion, Peter Unger presents a psychologically aimed, but physically based, account of our identity over time. While supporting the account, he explains why many influential contemporary philosophers have underrated the importance of physical continuity to our survival, casting a new light on the work of Lewis, Nagel, Nozick, Parfit, Perry, Shoemaker, and others. Deriving from (...)
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    Motion and Time, Space and Matter: Interrelations in the History of Philosophy and Science.Peter K. Machamer & Robert G. Turnbull - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (1):122-124.
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    Review. Hygin. Fables. J-Y Boriaud [ed].Peter K. Marshall - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):410-412.
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    How Would an Übermensch Regard His Past and Future?Peter K. McInerney - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (2):121-128.
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    Preface.Peter K. McInerney - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 61 (1-2):1-2.
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    Philosophical abstracts.Peter K. Mcinerney - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (3).
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    Observation.Peter K. Machamer - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:187 - 201.
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    (1 other version)Bad Faith, Good Faith, and Authenticity in Sartre's Early Philosophy.Peter K. McInerney - 1998 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 58 (4):983-986.
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    Preface.Peter K. McInerney - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 95 (1-2):1-1.
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    The Captivating Question.K. J. Peters - 1995 - Semiotics:120-126.
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    Interpretation: Ways of Thinking About the Sciences and the Arts.Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.) - 2010 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    The act of interpretation occurs in nearly every area of the arts and sciences. That ubiquity serves as the inspiration for the fourteen essays of this volume, covering many of the domains in which interpretive practices are found. Individual topics include: the general nature of interpretation and its forms; comparing and contrasting interpretation and hermeneutics; culture as interpretation seen through Hegel’s aesthetics; interpreting philosophical texts; methodologies for interpreting human action; interpretation in medical practice focusing on manifestations as indicators of disease; (...)
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  19. Augustin som proømium-Om Wittgensteins indledende paragraf i" Philosophische Untersuchungen".Peter K. Westergaard - 1994 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 29:103-124.
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    Empty Ideas: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy.Peter K. Unger - 2014 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    During the middle of the twentieth century, philosophers generally agreed that, by contrast with science, philosophy should offer no substantial thoughts about the general nature of concrete reality. Instead, philosophers offered conceptual truths. It is widely assumed that, since 1970, things have changed greatly.
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  21. Philosophical relativity.Peter K. Unger - 1984 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this short but meaty book, Peter Unger questions the objective answers that have been given to central problems in philosophy. As Unger hypothesizes, many of these problems are unanswerable, including the problems of knowledge and scepticism, the problems of free will, and problems of causation and explanation. In each case, he argues, we arrive at one answer only relative to an assumption about the meaning of key terms, terms like "know" and like "cause," even while we arrive at (...)
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  22.  10
    ”Lad os tænke denne tanke” – En indledende bemærkning til Nietzsches Lenzerheide-notat.Peter K. Westergaard - 2021 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 77:177-184.
    Indledning til Den europæiske nihilisme af Friedrich Nietzsche.
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  23. Philosophische Aspekte der neueren kybernetischen Literatur.Peter K. Schneider - 1965 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 73 (1):192.
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  24. All the power in the world.Peter K. Unger - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This bold and original work of philosophy presents an exciting new picture of concrete reality. Peter Unger provocatively breaks with what he terms the conservatism of present-day philosophy, and returns to central themes from Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Russell. Wiping the slate clean, Unger works, from the ground up, to formulate a new metaphysic capable of accommodating our distinctly human perspective. He proposes a world with inherently powerful particulars of two basic sorts: one mental but not physical, the (...)
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    Discipleship Dissonance: Toward a Theology of Imperfection Amidst the Pursuit of Holiness.Peter K. Nelson - 2011 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 4 (1):63-92.
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    Die Begründung der Wissenschaften durch Philosophie und Kybernetik. Idee, Umriss und Grundprinzip einer axiomatischen Strukturtheorie.Peter K. Schneider - 1966 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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    Experience, Scepticism, and Knowledge.Peter K. Unger - 1966
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    Semiotic Ethnographic Research.Peter K. Manning - 1991 - American Journal of Semiotics 8 (1-2):27-45.
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  29. I do not exist.Peter K. Unger - 1979 - In A. J. Ayer & Graham Macdonald, Perception and identity: essays presented to A. J. Ayer, with his replies. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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  30. The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages.Peter K. Austin & Julia Sallabank (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    It is generally agreed that about 7,000 languages are spoken across the world today and at least half may no longer be spoken by the end of this century. This state-of-the-art Handbook examines the reasons behind this dramatic loss of linguistic diversity, why it matters, and what can be done to document and support endangered languages. The volume is relevant not only to researchers in language endangerment, language shift and language death, but to anyone interested in the languages and cultures (...)
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  31. Arnold B. Come: Trendelenburg's Influence on Kierkegaard's Modal Categories (anmeldelse).Peter K. Westergaard - 1993 - Kierkegaardiana 16:135-137.
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    Mennesket er et ceremonielt dyr: Ludwig Wittgensteins Bemærkninger om Frazers "Den gyldne gren".Peter K. Westergaard - 2013 - København: Forlaget Anis. Edited by Ludwig Wittgenstein & James George Frazer.
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    The current state of play.Peter K. Smith - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):172-184.
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    Hostile aggression as social skills deficit or evolutionary strategy?Peter K. Smith - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):315-316.
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    The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary Perspectives.Peter K. Smith & Jaipaul L. Roopnarine (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Play takes up much of the time budget of young children, and many animals, but its importance in development remains contested. This comprehensive collection brings together multidisciplinary and developmental perspectives on the forms and functions of play in animals, children in different societies, and through the lifespan. The Cambridge Handbook of Play covers the evolution of play in animals, especially mammals; the development of play from infancy through childhood and into adulthood; historical and anthropological perspectives on play; theories and methodologies; (...)
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  36. Science, Values, and Objectivity.Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.) - 2004 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Few people, if any, still argue that science in all its aspects is a value-free endeavor. At the very least, values affect decisions about the choice of research problems to investigate and the uses to which the results of research are applied. But what about the actual doing of science? -/- As Science, Values, and Objectivity reveals, the connections and interactions between values and science are quite complex. The essays in this volume identify the crucial values that play a role (...)
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    The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of science.Peter K. Machamer & Michael Silberstein (eds.) - 2002 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This volume presentsa definitive introduction to the core areas of philosophy of science.
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    Worlds and times: NS and the master argument.Peter K. Schotch & Gillman Payette - 2011 - Synthese 181 (2):295-315.
    In the fourteenth century, Duns Scotus suggested that the proper analysis of modality required not just moments of time but also “moments of nature”. In making this suggestion, he broke with an influential view first presented by Diodorus in the early Hellenistic period, and might even be said to have been the inventor of “possible worlds”. In this essay we take Scotus’ suggestion seriously devising first a double-index logic and then introducing the temporal order. Finally, using the temporal order, we (...)
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    Functional hypotheses and their impact on behavioral description.Peter K. Smith - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):187-188.
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    Conceptions of persons and persons through time.Peter K. McInerney - 2000 - American Philosophical Quarterly 37 (2):121-134.
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    The Nature of a Person-Stage.Peter K. McInerney - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (3):227 - 235.
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    Being More Educated and Earning More Increases Romantic Interest: Data from 1.8 M Online Daters from 24 Nations.Peter K. Jonason & Andrew G. Thomas - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (2):115-131.
    How humans choose their mates is a central feature of adult life and an area of considerable disagreement among relationship researchers. However, few studies have examined mate choice (instead of mate preferences) around the world, and fewer still have considered data from online dating services. Using data from more than 1.8 million online daters from 24 countries, we examined the role of sex and resource-acquisition ability (as indicated by level of education and income) in mate choice using multilevel modeling. We (...)
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    Sociology As a Strict Science.Peter K. Schneider - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (1):72-83.
    The idea that sociology has the status of a strict science—that is, that sociology, like mathematics, has at its disposal a well-founded, deductive system of propositions—is nowadays rejected even more by its pragmatic advocates than by its skeptical practitioners; it is refuted both by the arbitrary manipulation of sociology’s internally constitutive, theoretical interconnections at the hands of practical interests and technocratic utility, and by the resultant increasing relativization of its findings. However, as we shall see, the arbitrariness of the treatment (...)
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    Scientific controversies: philosophical and historical perspectives.Peter K. Machamer, Marcello Pera & Aristeidēs Baltas (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Traditionally it has been thought that scientific controversies can always be resolved on the basis of empirical data. Recently, however, social constructionists have claimed that the outcome of scientific debates is strongly influenced by non-evidential factors such as the rhetorical prowess and professional clout of the participants. This volume of previously unpublished essays by well-known philosophers of science presents historical studies and philosophical analyses that undermine the plausibility of an extreme social constructionist perspective while also indicating the need for a (...)
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    Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy: Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780–1830.Peter K. J. Park - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    A historical investigation of the exclusion of Africa and Asia from modern histories of philosophy.
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  46. Philosophy and the Sciences of Mind.Peter K. Machamer & Martin Carrier (eds.) - 1997
  47. Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be?Peter K. Smith, Debra Pepler & Ken Rigby - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (1):120-121.
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  48.  25
    Family life and opportunities for deception.Peter K. Smith - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):264-264.
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    Semiotics and Contextualized Knowledge.Peter K. Storkerson - 2010 - Semiotics:110-120.
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    HarperCollins College Outline Introduction to Philosophy.Peter K. McInerney - 1992 - Harper Collins.
    The HarperCollins College Outline series summarizes an area of study in a format that assures easy comprehension for students as well as the general reader. INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY covers areas ranging from the Nature of God to Theories of Personal Identity Through Time to Feminism and Purposes of Government.
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